Plumbers Flushed
We should all be waiting for June 16th with bated breath when the half-baked 2019 Texas legislative session finally comes to an end. Every two years the drooling idiots we elect gather in Austin to torment us with their seeming lack of understanding of nearly everything.
This session has proven especially egregious in many respects. To avoid waxing partisan I will spare you my opinions on most of these, e.g. immigration, abortion, cannabis, taxes, health care, gun control, education, et al. I want to focus on just one issue: plumbers.
The Texas legislature, hereinafter known as “the Morons” has, in their infinite stupidity, decided to eliminate the Texas Board of Plumbing Examiners. That is the group that is (was) responsible for overseeing the education and licensing of plumbers.
Texas plumbers have been growing in importance in the eyes of the Morons for decades. A few years back they decided that plumbers could also legally perform electrical work on any system they were repairing or installing – without an electrician’s license. Before that, it was decided that a master plumber could perform whole-house building code inspections – without code certification. Renaissance men, I assume.
Now, we have the ultimate. Plumbers have busted out of their legendary phone booth and are prepared to fly above the rest of us unencumbered by any of those pesky plumbing regulations and codes.
That leaves the rest of us circling the proverbial bowl.
Thanks, Austin.